哈德伍德 Hardwood

哈德伍德 Hardwood




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播放:183 次


导演:Hubert Davis


主演:Mel Davis|Aaron Dudley


Genre:Documentary / Short
  Plot Outline:Hubert Davis examines the life decisions made by his father, Mel, and how they affected his life. Mel, a former Harlem Globetrotter, was a married father of one when he fell in love and had a child with a white woman. The strain of living a double life finally comes to a head when he leaves his wife for his lover and joins her and their son in Vancouver, Canada. The young Hubert grows up to be the filmmaker who creates Hardwood. The film is a heart-wrenching look at the impact of fatherless families and the social and emotional impact of the absentee African-American father. Davis manages to unite his family by interviewing his own parents, his brother, and his brother's biological mother. The film is elegantly divide into three chapters that address love, betrayal and redemption.
  Plot Keywords:Interracial Romance / Harlem Globetrotters / Basketball / Father Son Relationship / Interracial Relationship
  Runtime:29 min


  • 电影
  • 电视剧
  • 综艺
  • 动漫
  • 纪录片